Wednesday, November 25, 2009

To Begin...

I guess i created this for the simple purpose of presenting my views, my truths, my beliefs, and my thoughts on myself and the world around me.
I like to believe that there is little in life that we cannot formulate an opinion on. And I believe that there is little in life that we shouldn't formulate a strong opinion on.

We live in a world that demands attention. A world where even the most inane topic can (and will) roll into a deeper and more pressing issue. If we are unable to directly influence it, then we must at least voice our approval/disapproval of it.

I don't like to edit myself, I don't like to censor myself. If I offend you, just understand that it is how my mind works and how it processes fact, fiction, and/or hearsay.
I find problems and I address them. I don't post facts unless they are indeed, "facts". I listen to arguments and question inconsistencies. If I am inconsistent, I expect your rebuke.

Read on, and ponder my good people.
