Monday, March 22, 2010


For the love of of all that is holy.... Or unholy I guess..

I believe in the great annals of history, they (the historians) will look back on March 21st 2010 and shake their collective heads. After they go cross-eyed, tear their clothes, gnash their teeth, shake their fists toward DC, and let out wails to the heavens.
This is not only the largest failure-to-be to poke it's head out of DC's butt for the last generation, it is also going to be the most colossal waste of money that we (as a country) have ever been able to NOT afford.
The "hope" that Obama delivered to our weary deadbeats yesterday is certainly unmatched. At least he finally delivered a partial-hope somewhere. It may not have gone to the hard-working hands that deserved it, but close-enough is good-enough in the world of horsehoes, hand grenades, and apparently politics.
Now that we have been forced to dive in to this new cesspool of euro-socialism, there isn't much hope for us at this point to repeal it. Especially seeing as our fearless leader is actually holding our heads below the surface.
The only real reason I see this as being allowed to happen is simply because I don't think people really understand what all this actually means.

Lets look at our healthcare system in it's pre-March 21st, 2010 form...

It is essentially a collection of private insurance companies whose sole-purpose is to offset the incredible costs associated with hospitals, clinics, and medicines.
Now mind you, the only reason that there are incredible costs for these goods/services is a result of said insurance companies and YOU. When I say "YOU", I am referring to the general populace who love to sue anyone and everything at the drop of a hat. YOU are the reason for these out-of-control costs.
Health insurance can be expensive, again YOU are to blame for that.

Now lets look at what our March 22nd, 2010 healthcare system is...

Essentially our golden child's new healthcare playtoy is going to force you to purchase (at a minimum) government-owned health insurance. If you don't have any insurance, you will be fined. Yes, you are being forced to have insurance now people. Regardless of the costs involved.
It brings me back to the very reason I don't have insurance right now, and why a good many others don't have insurance either. I CAN'T AFFORD IT.
So now that the government gets to balance our personal budgets as well as their own nightmare budgets, I feel a lot better... Not really...
They have made it out to be as though all the people without insurance (who couldn't afford it) were clamoring around trying to get it. NOOOOOOooooooo0000000oooooo!!
We can't afford insurance, and that includes any new government-run insurance or fines that are associated with the lack of either! WE DON'T HAVE THE DAMNED MONEY YOU IDIOTS!!
We're in the worst economic recession/depression since 1929 (aka the GREAT depression) and I think it's actually WORSE than what it was then!
What the hell is wrong with these idiots??!! If we didn't have the personal funds before, where in the hell are we supposed to find them now??!!
Have you invented some new pill that we ingest and crap out money?
My theory is they are counting on people to not be able to afford this, ANY reason to mail out a fine is a GREAT reason in the eyes of our worthless bureaucracy.

But moving on....

But I suppose that I should try and find the silver-lining somewhere. It is the nature of the beast that lives in my mind. I enjoy my own incessant griping, but can't stand it when I don't offer myself and others a non-sour sentence or two...

The silver-lining is incredibly simple folks.
Over the next few years, in ALL the congressional and senate races, you are going to watch a great dying off of our stupid-Democrat, complacent-Republican, and crying-Liberal candidates in their respective offices. And in the great year of 2012, you are going to watch an over-taxed, over-lied-to, depression/recession-weary population kick this moron out of the white house.
It is comforting that they decided to ignore the population and seal their own fates finally. Their stealth abilities will no longer hide them as they just lit themselves up on the radar with their simple utterances of the word "yea".
Perhaps the Republicans will take a bit longer to die off, but that is simply due to their ability to toe their own party lines. I for one, am not the least bit fooled by their huffing protests. They should have never let it get this far.

So now the Government has a decent grip on the neck of our country's healthcare, and the psi is slowly rising.


When did we start granting irresponsible people with additional responsibility? Especially when the not-so-meager responsibilities they previously held were far too much for them to even "adequately" manage?
Lets look at DC's resume for a minute so we can get an idea how your typical government program fares in the face of the real-world.

Social Security... Has this ever been the well-oiled machine that the government promised it to be? It's a bankrupt joke.
They promised to save our elderly from dying in poverty. Noble idea, unrealistic goal. Especially seeing as our elderly are coupled up with the likes of Medicare and Medicade.

Medicare/Medicade... This one makes me sick to even say out loud, so I'm just going to call it "M&M(s)"
I will venture to say that the dreaded M&M's were created for the basic purposes of going hand in hand with SS. That would be, "Saving the elderly from poverty, but also giving them insurance coverage". I think that is a safe assumption on my part.
So here we have shoddy government insurance (that we all pay for, but only seniors can use) that is horribly unappealing to any and all medical practices the nation-over. This is due to M&M's love for auditing, constantly doing the "quick-change" on a legislative-level, their cheapening of monies that go towards care for said elderly, and their habit of dragging their heels when it comes to paying-out for care of the elderly. The last part is understandable from a logical standpoint. Maybe if they drag their heels long enough, the elderly will just die.
Just recently, legislature was passed that basically nulled out any hope for a Medicare holder to receive any more than $1800 per year for Physical therapy. This "hope" used to be called a "KX-Modifier".
One of these modifiers would essentially allow a treating physician/therapist the ability to apply for an extension/exemption if the patient needed more treatment and was going to go beyond the monetary cap that M&M sets for such treatment.

But oh wait.... it actually gets better than that!
Because the people who drafted the legislature unwittingly forgot to place a "," between Physical therapy and Speech therapy. Now our elderly are only allotted $1800 per year for both Speech therapy AND Physical therapy.... Yes folks... the absent-minded drafting of a piece of legislature sans ONE COMMA just screwed over a hefty percentage of stroke victims. So not only is it a worthless, uncaring, miser of a system; it's also inept as well.
I guess it's not so bad when it isn't YOUR parents at the gambling table. Or I suppose if you happen to be a senior citizen AND a politician. God-knows, they don't want the same insurance joke that they shove down the throats of our elderly. They use their own.
And keep in mind, M&M was complete crap BEFORE they slashed it's funding in half. So what does that make it now? Is there a lower setting than "crap" that doesn't involve too much profanity or obscure dead languages?

*Side note*
Seeing as M&M funding has been cut in half now, does that mean I am only going to be taxed 50% of what I used to be taxed for it?
You don't actually have to answer that. It was a dumb question...

Now lets move on to a sweet little example of existing government healthcare. That's right people. Let us talk about the VA.


Let's NOT talk about the VA. Instead, lets scour the internet and pull up some stories of the pleasantries that our fighting men and women encountered upon walking through the doors of their local VA.

Ok it was a bit difficult to actually find any overt praise of the VA hospital. There may have been some in an alternate reality, but apparently those poor servicemen/women were turned away for some reason or another.
Perhaps if the government could invent a time machine for the VA's use, that whole unfortunate scenario could be remedied in the future... Or would it be the past? Not sure...
The one thing I am sure of is this. Veterans have better stories of success, attentiveness, treatment, and nurturing in regards to the VFW bars than they do about the VA hospitals.

So now for our tally:

Reality - 3
Government - 0

Again I ask. Why are we giving the government control of something that they have absolutely ZERO capabilities of handling?
Nevermind, we actually didn't give them control, they simply took it.

Watch your backs people. They are leading us down a road that was designed to strip you of every personal liberty you ever had. They are doing it to ensure the sustainment of their own little thrones on their own little hills.
The only reason they haven't overtly done so is simply because you still have your guns and you still (for now) have the power over their elections.

Lets out these self-serving men and women. They have failed in their sole purpose(s), and they have done it with a knowing smile. They care nothing for you, your family, your future, your work-ethic, your home, or your life.
You are simply a little bug in their worlds, something they want to figure out how to control so they can better figure out a way to insure their own futures and agendas.

They are treating you and I like stupid sheep.

If you must be sheep, at least be an unruly flock that tends to trample the shepherds that screw up.....


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