Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Ya know... I don't like to typically write about such cliche' topics/people that really could be considered "too easy". But at times, certain things arise that simply warrant a response.

We elected our boy-wonder a little over a year ago. Now I'm not going to say that he needs to make good on all his campaign promises in such a short period of time, but I do believe his time is already drawing neigh in this regard.
I remember listening to a politician..... or maybe it was a tv show with an actor playing a politician...
Either way, the same holds true for real life in this scenario. Trust me.

So I remember watching a politician (real or fake, perhaps both), and they made an interesting statement on the lifespan of an elected-official's productivity.
He mentioned that a 4-year-term'ed official can only spend the first 2-years of their term actually making the "changes" that they desire before they are required to abandon those aspirations and dig in for their upcoming elections. (Of course this would be cut in half if you were a 2-year-term official.)

Now, as I already stated. This is a bit of heresay that I just happened upon, I couldn't pull up my source(s) if my very life depended on it. BUT, there is a ring of truth to it. I only say that because of what I witnessed all those candidates do when they were gearing up for the primaries 2-YEARS before the presidential election!

Now 2-years is a pretty obscene thing to think about when you put any kind of job-duty-description and a job-title into the blender together and hit the "Puree" button.
These men and women are/were public-servants that had been elected to serve the people of their respective states/districts. You were PAYING them while they looked for a better job right in your face!

But I digress..

Back to Obama and his 2-year deadline..

With that big fat "2" in in the mix, now we can get a real idea as to what we can expect from our golden child president. Nothing.
You heard it here folks. Nothing. "Nothing", as in "Not a damned thing".

Now don't get me wrong. Such is the way of DC and USA politics in general. Obama is not to blame for creating this little cute game our public-masters play on our dime. He is simply guilty of playing it with the rest of them. I only hold him accountable for his stupid slogan of "Change we can believe in!". Sadly, we all knew it was a steaming pile of excrement when we first saw it. Well.... I did at least.
For those of you who bought all the rhetoric, don't be too hard on yourselves people. God know, even the people who give out Nobel Prizes fell for it. And they're supposed to be the "smart ones" on our little blue planet... Indeed..

It should have been plain from the beginning that he was talking out his butt. I mean short of donning a cape and flying around DC handing out risque' vigilante justice to the poor and downtrodden, Obama had no hope of making good on even a fraction of his promises. He tried to give everyone else hope when he didn't even have it himself.
Sadly, we can't impeach him on the basis of not making good on his intangible promises. Perhaps as a safeguard in the future, we should force our public-masters to provide us with a minimum of one tangible promise (ie a free car, soda in all the fountains) along with as many intangible ones that they can vomit on us. At least then we may have some recourse when they turn out to be the liars we already suspect them to be.

So after nearly a year and a half of Obama antics, try and re-evaluate just what he has accomplished.

I'll name one accomplishment. I'm generous like that.

Obama has accomplished the herculean feat of clearing the street of his campaign-followers/pushers!!
Never in my life had I really wanted to commit genocide quite as much as I did with these lemming-people that simply couldn't shut up and just let people vote.
After the election/inauguration, they gloated for a brief period of time, that was irritating as well. But at least I didn't have to justify my candidate-of-choice to them anymore.
It was laughable when they cleared the streets before the ink had even dried on Obama's first bailout(s) for the big banks. You can't really blame the poor sots, such was the outrage of the general public for said bailouts, gloating/preaching about Obama would've had them lynched in a New York minute.

Now they are gone, like vapor in the wind... ghosts really..

Thanks Obama.

Thanks for being the non-boywonder, non-goldenchild, non-hopegiver, non-changebringer, and non-decisivedecisionmaker.
If ever there was a 4-year period of feeling absolutely vindicated, you have graciously bestowed it upon me.

Thank you..


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